Herringthorpe Junior School

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Herringthorpe Junior School

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Safeguarding Support

For safeguarding policies please visit the Policies Page

Everyone needs to know…

What is upskirting?

Upskirting is taking a photograph of underneath a person’s skirt or clothing without their permission. Upskirting is an alarmingly common occurrence and is usually performed in a public place, which is often crowded, which makes it hard to spot people taking such images. This is now a criminal offence and offenders can be arrested and sent to prison. Upskirting as a form of peer-on-peer abuse and what may seem like harmless fun can have deeper consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator.

More information available at: https://www.educare.co.uk/news/upskirting-what-do-you-need-to-know


What is County Lines & CCE?

County lines is a form of criminal exploitation where urban gangs persuade, coerce or force children and young people to store drugs and money and/or transport them to suburban areas, market towns and coastal towns (Home Office, 2018). It can happen in any part of the UK and is against the law and a form of child abuse. CCE refers to Child Criminal Exploitation.

More information available at: https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-abuse-and-neglect/county-lines

Signs a child may be involved in Criminal Exploitation

  • frequently going missing from school, home or care
  • travelling to locations, or being found in areas they have no obvious connections with, including seaside or market towns
  • unwillingness to explain their whereabouts
  • acquiring money, clothes, accessories or mobile phones which they seem unable to account for
  • receiving excessive texts or phone calls at all hours of the day
  • having multiple mobile phone handsets or sim cards
  • withdrawing or having sudden changes in personality, behaviour or the language they use
  • having relationships with controlling or older individuals and groups
  • unexplained injuries
  • carrying weapons
  • significant decline in school results or performance
  • being isolated from peers or social networks
  • associating with or being interested in gang culture
  • self-harming or having significant changes in mental health



FGM is a form of child abuse. It’s dangerous and a criminal offence in the UK. We know:

  • there are no medical reasons to carry out FGM
  • it’s often performed by someone with no medical training, using instruments such as knives, scalpels, scissors, glass or razor blades
  • children are rarely given an anaesthetic or antiseptic treatment and are often forcibly restrained
  • it’s used to control female sexuality and can cause long-lasting damage to physical and emotional health.

FGM can happen at different times in a girl or woman’s life, including:

  • when a baby is new-born
  • during childhood or as a teenager
  • just before marriage
  • during pregnancy.

More information available at: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/

Keeping Safe Online

Following increased time on devices due to the pandemic, are you aware of the latest apps and the risks they pose to children? Find out more about Keeping Safe online