Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

    1. News
    2. 你好 (hello) Tanghu Elementary School

    你好 (hello) Tanghu Elementary School

    19 November 2023 (by admin)

    We thoroughly enjoyed hosting staff and pupils from Tanghu Elementary School. Staff spent two days sharing information about our academy, school and our curriculum. Staff visited lessons and were blown away by all that they saw. They were extremely impressed by the opportunities we offer our pupils and how we have designed our curriculum to make it purposeful and relevant. Ours Heads of House took our visitors on a fantastic guided tour of school. Pupils from Tnaghu Elementary School were paired with pupils from HJS who shared with them what it is like to be a pupil at HJS. During the week we also took our guest for a tour of Rotherham Town Hall, to the Civic Theatre and also bowling. We also introduced our guests to some traditional cuisine including roast dinner and pie and peas!

    A huge thank you to our wonderful children. To those who gave tours, were buddies and joined us during our evening activities and to all children for being so welcoming to our guests.